January 24, 2020 5:41 pm
Published by Writer
You rush around in the morning to get the kids off to school before dressing yourself for work. There’s stopping at the grocery store on your way home for dinner ingredients. You arrive back to a home that needs cleaning. You need to help with homework, and you need to do laundry. Then you’re responding to a string of emails late into the night. Does this situation sound familiar? Life can get hectic—you know it, and your spouse or significant other knows it. As time goes on, you become distant from one another and feel as though you are drifting... View Article
November 6, 2019 3:27 pm
Published by Writer
Dancing is the perfect combination of exercise, entertainment and collaboration, which makes it a perfect activity for couples. How often have you and your partner sat on the couch, arguing over which show to binge watch on Netflix? When your old date night standbys are just not working anymore, you should consider taking dance lessons for couples in Fort Worth, TX. Our students often tell us that learning to dance for their wedding sparked a lifelong passion—and rekindled their romance. Here are some of the reasons couples love to take dance lessons together: It’s a great workout: Depending on the... View Article
February 26, 2019 10:51 am
Published by Writer
Dancing is a great way to rekindle the romance with a partner, but it’s also a perfect opportunity to strengthen your bond with a friend or family member. People of all ages use couple dance lessons in Fort Worth, TX as an opportunity to bring new life to any relationship. Taking dance lessons together can added a new level of closeness and partnership between two people. Plus, you’ll have something to talk about and get to experience something new together! That’s what makes dance such an ideal activity for couples, friends and family. Below are just a few of the... View Article
December 11, 2018 5:27 pm
Published by Writer
Are you looking for a way to bring new closeness to your relationship? Have you been struggling to connect with your spouse? Did you know that couples dance lessons in Fort Worth, TX can help? Dancing is an incredible means of connecting with your partner in new ways. Moving together on the dance floor can take your relationship to a new level. How? Here’s what it can provide: Physical connection: On the dance floor, you have to move in sync with one another. You will learn how to coordinate your movements. Your physical contact with one another will become harmonized... View Article
August 24, 2018 10:08 am
Published by Writer
Are you looking for a new and fun way to reconnect with your partner? It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day routines like picking up the kids from school and running to the grocery store. Over time, you can be left feeling like you hardly ever get to see your spouse. This can leave couples feeling like there’s no spontaneity in their relationship or as though they are drifting apart. That’s why it’s so important to spend time together as a couple. Now, this doesn’t have to mean scrubbing the bathroom together or sitting at a kid’s soccer... View Article