Five Tips for Choosing the Right Dance School
December 12, 2017 1:14 pm Leave your thoughtsRegardless of your skill level, learning to dance is an investment. Besides the cost, it takes time, commitment and proactively training and working your body. Such an investment should not be taken lightly, and choosing the right dance school is essential to your success. If you’re new to the world of dance, you may not know what to look for when choosing a dance school. To help you get started, here are a few tips to guide you.
Do they participate in dance competitions?
Dance is an art, but it is also a competitive sport. Although you may be in it for the enjoyment and have no interest in competing, it’s still important that the dance school you choose be one of the top competitive dance studios in Tarrant County, TX. Participation in competitive dance is proof of the instructors’ professionalism and teaching skills.
Do they have a performance philosophy?
A dance studio is a place of instruction, and just like any other school, it should have a philosophy for its instructors and students to adhere to. While a performance philosophy will differ from school to school, every dance school should indicate their dedication to the art of dance, to their students, to the quality of their education and programs and the joy of dance.
What do their teaching methods look like?
Dance instruction should be tailored to the individual, but just like a general education, there are certain milestones to be met and best practices to adhere to. A professional dance studio should have a syllabus, instruction methods and training programs that provide clear expectations for both instructors and students.
What type of floor do they use?
If you are new to dance, this may seem like a silly question to ask, but the type of floor used in the studio is very important. Cushioned dance floors should always be used to help protect the students. Dancing requires a lot of practice and can be a strain on the body at times. You want to know that the floor you are dancing on is designed to help relieve the stress on your feet and body, and that it will help protect you in case you fall.
Do the instructors do double duties at the studio?
Many studios are owned by the dance instructor. In some ways, this is a good thing because you know that the instructor is passionate and dedicated to their studio. However, this may also mean that your instructor is performing double duties and managing the business when they should be focused on teaching you to dance. Instructor-owned dance studios are fine, just as long as the instructor has someone else handling the paperwork and answering the phones.
If you are on the hunt for the perfect dance studio for yourself or your child, be sure to check out Arthur Murray Dance Studio of Fort Worth. As one of the most highly recommended and top competitive dance studios in Tarrant County, TX, we’re confident that you’ll like what you see here.
Categorised in: Top Competitive Dance Studios
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